1st Coffee Morning

1st Coffee Morning

We have grown over the years in publications and the people we have published. We now moving on to the next phase of our vision. Form publishing to now bringing Penny Authors to meet, and read and listen; peer to peer reviews.  

So this year was the beginning of that 2nd phase, we started off with "Coffee morning" and few are planned; our first one took place on Tuesday 16th of July at the Redwing Gallery in Penzance.

Redwing Gallery have support us from the beginning, and now Penny Authors will be supporting them with their new premises. As will all charities - funding is the life line. So if you are passing by, grap a hot drink - that will help withgenerating revenue, and if you are feeling generous, you can also "pay forward" a drink for some one.

So much so, we have planned another coffee morning and in discussion with Redwing Gallery to fix a day in a week to have "Penny Authors Performance/Recital session" taking us truly into our 2nd phase where Penny Authors have a aspirational journey from "Pen to Publishing to Performing to Potential-try-out." While PA in global, USA, India and the whole of UK, we are working through mentorship and intergenerational work to have satellite projects.  

All Penny Authors are encouraged, supported and mentored to extend PA's principle, "Aspiration Attainment/Accomplishment," reward through publishing. So, any Penny Author wishing to work with their group and publish your own book, Penny Author will facilitate that.

Diary dates:

Next coffee morning is on Tuesday 2oth August 2024, from 11am-1.00pm, In the Redwing Gallery.

Performance & recital evening coming soon, all PA's are invited to perform.

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